Real Estate Agent Zen

Coaching to Unlock Your Business Potential

You'll never be successful in real estate until you learn this hard lesson real estate business wellness Oct 17, 2021

You want to be successful and that's a great thing. I want you to be successful too! I want you to dream your dreams and feel a great sense of accomplishment when you achieve them. There's nothing like setting a goal and reaching it. It's what you've aspired to do and it's important to see...

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Why I decided to do Real Estate Agent Business Coaching & Training real estate business real estate marketing wellness Oct 13, 2021

Why did I decide to start doing Real Estate Business Coaching & Training for real estate agents? The simple answer is that we need it, but not in the traditional way you'd think. Let me explain.

You see, after years in this industry as a practicing real estate agent,...

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You're so much more than "just a real estate agent" - how to feel confident during client appointments real estate business real estate marketing wellness Oct 06, 2021

You're getting ready for a client appointment and that feeling of doom hits you. They're great people and you'd love to have them as clients, but you know your potential client is interviewing multiple real estate agents. Before you know it, those horrible self-decimating thoughts start...

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Giving Yourself Grace when you f*ck up in real estate real estate business wellness Oct 03, 2021

Want to know a secret? It's a doozy too! Drum roll please....real estate agents f**k up in real estate transactions. Yep, I know, it's one of the best-kept secrets in our real estate industry. Everyone's perfect in your sales meetings. Agents don't acknowledge it. Brokers don't dare to...

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7 Signs That A Real Estate Agent is Overdue for a Vacation real estate business wellness Sep 29, 2021

Let's have some real talk here. Sometimes we just need a break! I'm not talking about a day away. I mean a really good, long, no phone service, relaxing, straight-up disconnect from our business vacation. A true and real vacation. I also know it's a lot easier said than done too. We "try" to go...

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How to be authentic in your real estate business real estate business real estate marketing wellness Sep 19, 2021

Can we pretend for a minute? Just humor me on this. Okay, I want you to imagine someone you do business with regularly; ie. maybe it's your bank teller, the clerk at your dry cleaner, or grocery store attendant. Picture having a conversation with this person and them mentioning to you...

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Is this real estate deal trying to kill me? real estate business wellness Sep 15, 2021

"Is this real estate deal trying to kill me?" These are my exact thoughts as I sit here in "closing-hell" due to lender issues on the buyer's side that have been going on for days now. It's not the buyer's fault, it's not my seller's fault. It's literally due to the lender that has been a...

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Are you working 24/7 in your real estate business? wellness Sep 12, 2021

"I know the rules," he said laughingly, "you don't make phone calls before 10 am." I smirked and glanced at the clock on the bottom corner of my computer screen. It was 10:23 am. He did know the rules, my business rules, and I couldn't help but smile.

My seller was a great client and a...

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