Why I decided to do Real Estate Agent Business Coaching & Training
Why did I decide to start doing Real Estate Business Coaching & Training for real estate agents? The simple answer is that we need it, but not in the traditional way you'd think. Let me explain.
You see, after years in this industry as a practicing real estate agent, broker, and licensed real estate instructor, I could see a huge problem. A problem that others, either didn't have the capacity to see, or they didn't possess the knowledge, experience, or most importantly, the desire, to help fix. I get it. This is not a calling for everyone...but it's mine.
I see the enormous caverns that separate real estate students from good practicing agents and also practicing agents from becoming extremely happy business owners. The brokers assume the schools teach things they don't and the schools assume brokers will teach things they don't. This is no one's fault per see, it's just the nature of the business. It's what has evolved over many years...and I want to be the solution.
I want to help teach the things that aren't taught. I want to help you learn what no one is able or has the desire to teach you. I want to bring out the best in you and see you accomplish your dreams. I want to be the bridge for you to have a happy, authentic, holistic, and sustainable real estate career. It's something that has been laid on my heart and it's important to me.
Do I think real estate is for everyone? Of course not. But I want to help the ones like me that it IS for. I want to create an environment that is uplifting, safe, balanced, calm, and inspirational, all the while being applicable to our daily lives.
I want to cater to those of us that can breathe in the adrenaline-filled days and still rest on the calm ones. Those of us that love the industry in all its erratic craziness and keep coming back for more. Those of us that thrive off the business rollercoaster with all its ups and downs. Those of us that love our clients and want to do great things for them. Those of us that want to grow, not only in business but also as a person too. I want to help the dreamers and the dark horses; the Saints and the aints.
I want to bring light to your dark days and let you know that we all have them and it's perfectly normal. I want to be a refuge in an industry that can be anxiety-ridden, confusing, sarcastic, overwhelming, and just plain cold some days. I want to embrace those that aren't afraid to be themselves while they're simultaneously raising the bar in an industry that craves it desperately. I want you to shine so brightly that your clients and loved ones can't help but see it radiate from you.
I want to create a resource and community where you can find comfort and knowledge without drama or deadlines. I want it to be there at every stage of your journey from the first days of licensing through your 10000th transaction. I want it to grow with you and be a continual source of support, vibrance, and revitalization when you need it most. I want to give you peace and freedom. This is my vision for the days ahead and I'm grateful that you're joining me, as this is part of my very own real estate journey and part of my heart. This is why I do what I do. <3
With Much Love ~ Your Real Estate Coach,